boston cream pie

join me for a late and sort of half-hearted celebration of national chocolate cake day.  in my morning facebook feed, i spied a martha stewart post with a link to a recipe for boston cream cupcakes. i’m not really a cupcake girl so i set about adapting it into a gluten free cake recipe.

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old fashioned kentucky bourbon pound cake

still riffing on pound cake here. this one is a buttermilk pound cake flavored with Maker’s Mark bourbon whisky and orange, inspired by a friend’s reminiscence of an orange bourbon pound cake. i was supposed to be working on a re-creation of that cake, but by the time i got to the glaze, i realized i could turn it into something akin to an old fashioned cocktail. woo hoo!


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dutch sable cookies

i love and i mean lurve butter cookies, particularly the french style with it’s buttery flavor and sandy texture. these particular cookies are hand kneaded from start to finish and have a lovely texture. i decided to make checkerboard and spiral cookies.



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crackers & canapés

earlier this week, i made pizza again (still refining the recipe) and stored half of the dough for a couple of days in the fridge. this morning, i decided to make some crackers and tartlet shells from the crust dough. pretty easy, just run the dough through a pasta roller and cut with a mini biscuit cutter or shot glass.

gf crackers maldon salt

the tartlet shells were fun, i baked them in a silicone mini tartlet mold. the fun part was deciding how to dress them up. the crackers, Continue reading