skinny carnitas

i fished a long forgotten vacuum packed pork tenderloin out of my freezer the other day (how great is vacuum sealing, it must have been in there for a year or more) and puzzled for a while over what to do with it, a nice long braise seemed the safest way to go. i knew i’d be having company the next day and decided that carnitas would be perfect. the biggest dilemma is that tenderloin is really lean and the pork butt traditionally used for carnitas, is not lean at all. at a time like this bacon drippings are your friend and i always have a container of bacon drippings on hand. IMG_4191

another great thing about carnitas is they store well in the fridge and can be easily reheated on the comal to crispy deliciousness.

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gâteau à l’orange

a friend suggested that i check out Claudia Roden’s orange almond cake. a genius call by my friend. a really simple cake mostly comprised of pureed orange and ground almonds. what could be more simple?

Orange and Almond Cake

Adapted from Claudia Roden’s “A Book of Middle Eastern Food” Knopf 1968


2 large organic oranges

6 eggs

250g (1.75 cups) ground almonds

250g (1.25 cups) superfine sugar

1 teaspoon baking powder (look for a gluten free brand)


1.         Wash the oranges and simmer them, unpeeled, in enough water to cover for 2 hours. Cool, cut them open and remove the seeds. Puree the oranges in a food processor or Vitamix.

2.         Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

3.         Beat the eggs in a stand mixer or large bowl. Add the remaining ingredients, including the orange puree, and mix thoroughly. Pour into a buttered springform pan.

4.         Lower oven to 375 degrees. Bake for one hour, or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool in the pan before turning out onto serving plate. Can be garnished with glazed orange slices.