bacon stuffed buttermilk biscuits

it’s kiss my gluten free buns’ second anniversary and we’re celebrating with biscuits crammed full of bacon! IMG_0102

i know, it sounds crazy, but it’s really only decadent. it was just one of those filled with errands and crap you just don’t want to do. as evening rolled around, i decided that i deserved a treat, something savory but fun and that might pass for dinner under a blurry microscope. Continue reading


so far, i’ve been very pleased with the versatility of the ciabatta bread dough recipe, i posted a couple of weeks ago. this weekend, i used it to make two types of focaccia. it’s pretty simple just follow the ciabatta recipe in the link right through to the step of putting it into the pan and for the amount of dough in the recipe you can use a quarter sheet pan or two eighth sized sheet pans (sometimes called mini-sheet pans).

IMG_7083 Continue reading

crack n cheese

still waiting for medical updates on my poor sweet kitteh Callie and looking for comfort, wherever i can find it. i want to thank all of our dear friends who have been so very kind and supportive, as we wait to see if she’ll recover.

callie reclining Continue reading